You will find all of the English-language publications here. To search for a publication, you can use the filters. Our policy is only to show publications whose content or philosophy is still current and valid. Should you have any doubts about the shelf life of specific knowledge and information, we would like to point out that apparently outdated systems, hardware and software are still being actively used.
85 publications
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Four cyber security lessons from one year of war in Ukraine
Cyberattacks related to the war in Ukraine have not yet caused any major disruptions in the Netherlands. Deployed attacks were ...
Factsheet DNS Encryption
Modern, encrypted DNS transport protocols make it difficult to monitor and intercept DNS traffic for detection and mitigation ...
The Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2028
In producing the Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy (NLCS), the government’s aim is to achieve a digitally secure Netherlands. ...
Cloud Act requests
NIS2 Impact Study
NCSC Research Agenda 2023-2026
Ransomware incident response plan
Ransomware can have a very disruptive effect on organisations. And what do you do then? Or how can you prepare for this? The NCSC ...
Memo Cloud Act
Factsheet Mature authentication - use of secure authentication tools
PKIoverheid will stop issuing web certificates: Choose another issuer
Logius will stop issuing publicly trusted web server certificates in the PKIoverheid system. If your organisation is currently ...