
You will find all of the English-language publications here. To search for a publication, you can use the filters. Our policy is only to show publications whose content or philosophy is still current and valid. Should you have any doubts about the shelf life of specific knowledge and information, we would like to point out that apparently outdated systems, hardware and software are still being actively used.

79 publications

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  1. Factsheet Post-quantum cryptography

    The emergence of quantum computers can have major implications for organizations that process sensitive information. Using a ...

    Factsheet | 08-11-2023

  2. Nationwide Crisis Response Plan for Digital Crises

    Cyberattacks- and incidents are occurring more rapidly and the consequences are increasingly severe. What could happen if those ...

    Publication | 13-10-2023

  3. Dealing with risks in the Supply Chain

    Monitoring and controlling cybersecurity risks in the supply chain can be described as challenging at the very least. How does ...

    Publication | 02-10-2023

  4. Guide to Cyber Security Measures

    The Guide to Cyber Security Measures lists eight measures that every organisation should take to prevent cyber-attacks. Examples ...

    Publication | 30-08-2023

  5. Four cyber security lessons from one year of war in Ukraine

    Cyberattacks related to the war in Ukraine have not yet caused any major disruptions in the Netherlands. Deployed attacks were ...

    Publication | 14-03-2023

  6. Factsheet DNS Encryption

    Modern, encrypted DNS transport protocols make it difficult to monitor and intercept DNS traffic for detection and mitigation ...

    Factsheet | 14-03-2023

  7. The Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2028

    In producing the Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy (NLCS), the government’s aim is to achieve a digitally secure Netherlands. ...

    Publication | 31-01-2023

  8. Cloud Act requests

    Report | 23-11-2022

  9. NIS2 Impact Study

    Publication | 12-10-2022

  10. NCSC Research Agenda 2023-2026

    Publication | 11-10-2022