You will find all of the English-language publications here. To search for a publication, you can use the filters. Our policy is only to show publications whose content or philosophy is still current and valid. Should you have any doubts about the shelf life of specific knowledge and information, we would like to point out that apparently outdated systems, hardware and software are still being actively used.
85 publications
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Beyond elearning
Our aim in this publication is to offer you guiding principles to help you promote cyber-secure behaviour among the employees in ...
Risk management roadmap
This is the English version of the visualization of the risk management roadmap. The risk management roadmap has been drawn up ...
Recover from a cyber incident
Mailservers are offline. Important data can no longer be accessed. To make matters worse, the backups are also encrypted. It is ...
Cybercheck: Beware of Supply Chain Risks
The increasing digitalisation of Dutch society has many benefits but also comes with risks. One of these risks has been drawing ...
Software Bill of Materials Starter Guide
A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an important building block in improving the transparency of a software supply chain and ...
SOC of the future
Security monitoring and incident response will face major challenges in the coming years, as the complexity of infrastructures, ...
Factsheet Managing edge devices
The future of cyber attacks with Large Language Models
TNO and NCSC have conducted an exploration to try to identify how the impact of Large Language Models (LLMs), underlying ...
Threat modeling in Dutch organizations
Many products consist largely of software. Think, for example, of your smartphone, your robot vacuum cleaner, banking ...