The Cyber Compass
How do the organisations stay resilient and up to date with the latest threats in a domain that is developing at lightning speed? With the Cyber Compass of the NCSC, you gain insight into the challenges and developments that you as an organisation will face in the coming years in order to be digitally resilient. The Cyberkompas gives organisations direction on which to develop in order to remain digitally safe.
How does it work?
The Cyber Compass provides organisations with insight based on themes and expectations. It concerns the following themes:
- Digitisation
- Increase in legislation and regulations
- More intelligent mobility
- Homogenisation of the digital landscape
- Monopolisation of the digital domain
- Increased incident response complexity
- Decline of the human factor
- Reduced freedom to choose suppliers
Consider, for example, changes to your incident response process as a result of the increase in the use of cloud services. Or the decrease in choices for ICT suppliers as a result of geopolitical developments or known vulnerabilities. How does your organisation deal with this? The compass helps to determine focal points and to think about measures that your organization has taken or should take in the future to remain resilient.
Get started with the compass
Your organisation can use the compass itself in a workshop as an interactive tool with which insight, awareness and action perspective are realized. This provides you with tangible results with which you can further improve your resilience.
When your organisation sets to work, the compass will provide you with sufficient background information on the themes and expectations for the next two years and beyond. In this way, your organisation can anticipate the digital challenges and cybersecurity issues that will play a role for your organisation. The compass is therefore suitable for carrying out a future foresight within your organization.